It’s been called an abomination, blasphemous, sh*t rearranged. We call it a calling. Shameless commercialisation ensures this collection is available as posters, prints, postcard originals and unisex tee shirts. You want some?
Buy Less™Giclée print£25 (A4) • £40 (A3)View the collection
Eternal Optimism™Giclée print£25 (A4) • £40 (A3)View the collection
F*ck Off™Giclée print£25 (A4) • £40 (A3)View the collection
Toilet™Free PDFView the collection
People™Postcard – Pen & Ink£10 + StampView the collection
Liverpool™Postcard – Pen & Ink£10 + StampView the collection
Coat™Postcard – Pen & Ink£10 + StampView the collection
Shoplifting™Adidas tee shirt£55
Shirtlifting™Adidas cropped tee shirt£55
Yeah Yeah™Nike tee shirt£55
Duck™Unisex tee shirt£55
Slug™Unisex tee shirt£55
Legal proceedings prevent us from commercialising this collection. F*ck the lawyers.
Spareme™Unisex tee shirt£225View the collection
Misswan™Giclée print£25 (A4) • £40 (A3)View the collection
Mates For Life™Giclée print£25 (A4) • £40 (A3)View the collection
Three Swans™Giclée print£25 (A4) • £40 (A3)View the collection
Make Life Simple™Printed poster£120 (A2)Read the backstory
Mass Confusion™Giclée print£80 (A2)View the collection
Dr Death Wants You™Giclée print£80 (A2)View the collection