AI = Acronym Index™

None of the intelligence in this collection is artificial.

• #No F*cking Idea • #NFI • #No F*cking Idea • #NFI • #No F*cking Idea • #NFI • #No F*cking Idea • #NFI • #No F*cking Idea • #NFI • #No F*cking Idea • #NFI • #No F*cking Idea • #NFI 

• #F*ck Social Media • #FSM • #F*ck Social Media • #FSM • #F*ck Social Media • #FSM • #F*ck Social Media • #FSM • #F*ck Social Media • #FSM • #F*ck Social Media • #FSM • #F*ck Social Media • #FSM 

• #Orange Faced Fart • #OFF • #Orange Faced Fart • #OFF • #Orange Faced Fart • #OFF • #Orange Faced Fart • #OFF • #Orange Faced Fart • #OFF • #Orange Faced Fart • #OFF • #Orange Faced Fart • #OFF 

Index ~ Tourette's edition


#AAS = Away And Sh*te

#AAFS = Away And F*cking Sh*te

#ABC = Another Boring C*nt

#AFH = Apathetic F*cking Hipsters

#AFN = Act F*cking Now

#AFTWU = A*seholes F*cking The World Up

#AI = Ars*wipe Imagination

#ALTTFP = Always Late To The F*cking Party

#AMANFA = All Mouth And No F*cking Action

#ARBOFF = A Right Bunch Of F*cking F*ckwits

#ARFM = Another Royal F*cking Mess

#AYFM = And Your F*cking Maa



#BAF = Bored As F*ck

#BAFRYTT = Buy A F*cking Round You Tight Tw*t

#BBOF = Big Bunch Of Fannies

#BD = Bumptious D*ckhead(s)

#BF = Bullsh*tting F*ckwit(s)

#BFB = Billy F*cking Bullsh*t

#BFC = Boring F*cking C*nt(s)

#BFT = Boring F*cking Tw*t(s)

#BIFO = Bring It F*cking On

#BP = B*stard Petroleum

#BOC = Bunch Of C*nts

#BOS = Bag Of Sh*te

#BOFS = Bag Of F*cking Sh*te

#BOTFS = Bored Of This F*cking Sh*t

#BOTFN = Back Of The F*cking Net

#BRFB = Be Right F*cking Back

#BS = Bullsh*t Shampoo

#BTBFVOY = Be The Best F*cking Version Of Yourself

#BTFW = By The F*cking Way

#BYFB = Be Your F*cking Best

#BYFO = Buy Your F*cking Own



#CBFWTS = Can’t Be F*cked With This Sh*t

#CAF = Cool As F*ck

#CAUBAS = Complete And Utter Bag Of Sh*te

#CB = C*nty Bollix

#CBFA = Can’t Be F*cked

#CBNFC = Close But No F*cking Cigar

#CFD = Calm F*cking Down

#CS = Cunning Stunt

#CTFD = Calm The F*ck Down

#CPOS = Complete Pile Of Sh*te

#CTFC = Cut The F*cking Crap

#CTFB = Cut The F*cking Bullsh*t

#CTFU = Cheer The F*ck Up

#CTFUYMB = Cheer The F*ck Up You Miserable B*stard

#C*NT = See You Next Tuesday / Thursday



#DF = Dope F*cker(s)

#DFFF = Dosey F*cking F*ck Face

#DFW = Don’t F*cking Wait

#DOYFD = Do One You F*cking D*ckhead

#DTFB = Drop The F*cking Bullsh*t

#DWBFH = Don’t Worry Be F*cking Happy



#EAF = Easy As F*ck

#EFP = Everyone’s F*cking Problem

#EFUS = Easily F*cked Up Sh*t

#EMFD = Eat My F*cking Dust

#ES = Eat Sh*t

#ESAD = Eat Sh*t And Die

#ET = Egotistical Tw*t

#ETFR = Eat The F*cking Rich

#ETTFO = Each To Their F*cking Own


#FA = F*cking Ars*wipe(s)

#FAF = Fancy A F*ck?

#FB = F*cking Blagger(s)

#FCFW = First Class F*cking W*nker(s)

#FD = F*cking Dipsh*t(s)

#FF = F*cking F*cker(s)

#FFI = F*cking F*ck It

#FFS = F*cking F*ck Sh*t

#FFFS = F*cking F*ckity F*ck Sh*t

#FFFSF = F*ckity F*cking F*ck Sh*tting F*cker(s)

#FI = F*ck It

#FIT = F*cking Idiotic Tw*t(s)

#FHI = F*cking Have It

#FLT = F*cking Little Tw*t(s)

#FLS = F*cking Little Sh*t(s)

#FO = F*ck Off

#FOE = Farmers On Ecstasy

#FOFEU = Fear Of F*cking Everything Up

#FOFFF = F*cking Orange Faced F*ck Face

#FOMO = Fear of Mike Oldfield

#FM = F*cking Motherf*cker(s)

#FMF = F*cking Mouthy F*cker(s)

#FRO = F*ck Right Off

#FSU = F*ck Sh*t Up

#FSM = F*ck Social Media

#FTP = F*ck The Police

#FTFF = F*ck The F*cking F*cker(s)

#FUBAR = F*cked Up Beyond All Recognition

#FUS = F*cked Up Sh*t

#FW = F*cking W*nker(s)

#FYFIF = For Your F*cking Information F*ckface

#FYYFF = F*ck You You F*cking F*ck

#FY&THYRIO = F*ck You & The Horse You Rode In On



#GAF = Give A F*ck

#GAFF = Give A Flying F*ck

#GBOFOH = Go Big Or F*ck Off Home

#GF = Gobsh*tting F*cker(s)

#GFY = Go F*ck Yourself

#GFYFS = Go F*ck Your F*cking Self

#GRTFR = Get Ready To F*cking Rumble

#GMAFM = Give Me A F*cking Minute

#GTF = Get To F*ck

#GTFFF = Get To F*cking F*ckity F*ck




#HAFLOIAWYMC = Have A F*cking Laugh Once In A While You Miserable C*nt

#HFI = Have F*cking It



#ICGAFF = I Couldn’t Give A Flying F*ck

#IDFC = I Don’t F*cking Care

#IDGAF = I Don’t Give A F*ck

#IDIIAFM = I’ll Do It In A F*cking Minute

#IFLI = I F*cking Love It

#IFLY = I F*cking Love You

#IFLYYT = I F*cking Love You You Tw*t

#IGFNFT = Ignorant Good For Nothing F*cking Tw*t(s)

#IT = Ignorant Tw*t(s)

#IFT = Ignorant F*cking Tw*t(s)

#IWACOITFW = It Will All Come Out In The F*cking Wash



No f*cking entries



#KIFR = Keeping It F*cking Real

#KLF = Kunst Lovin F*ckwit(s)

#KMA = Kiss My Art

#KMFA = Kiss My F*cking Ars*

#KMFP = Kiss My F*cking Peachy

#KSW = Keep Sh*t Weird



#LFB = Lying F*cking B*stard(s)

#LF = Limp F*cker(s)

#LLTTFM = Living Life To The F*cking Max

#LIFE = Love It F*cking Everyday

#LMLP = Lick My Love Pump



#MF = Morbid F*cker(s)

#MFB = Morbid F*cking B*stard(s)

#MFE = More F*cking Excuses

#MFT = Me F*cking Too

#MUFC = More Useless F*cking C*nts

#MYOFB = Mind Your Own F*cking Business



#NF = Naughty F*cker(s)

#NFI = No F*cking Idea

#NFGU = Never F*cking Give Up

#NFT = Nothing F*cking Tangible

#NLTFTTWEITA = Never Let The F*ckers Think They’re Winning Even If They Are

#NMFE = No More F*cking Excuses

#NMFP = Not My F*cking Problem

#NOYFB = None Of Your F*cking Business



#OAF = Old As F*ck

#OFF = Orange Faced F*ck

#OFFF = Orange Faced Fanny Fart

#OMG = One More Gobsh*te


#PC = P*ssing C*nts

#PFY = Poor F*cking You

#POS = Pile Of Sh*te

#PYFOOYA = Pull You Finger Out Of Your Ars*

#PYFOOYAYLGFNFF = Pull You Finger Out Of Your Ars* You Lazy Good For Nothing F*cking F*ck


#QEFT = Question Every F*cking Thing

#QAF = Queer As F*ck

#QASAFPOI = Queer As F*ck And F*cking Proud Of It



#RFT = Right F*cking Tw*t(s)

#RMS = Read More Sh*t

#RFW = Right F*cking W*nker(s)

#RRFP = Right Royal F*cking Pr*ck



#SAAFP = Sound As A F*cking Pound

#SB = Spoilt B*stard(s)

#SBAC = Stop Being A C*nt

#SBAD = Stop Being A D*ck

#SFC = Shameless F*cking C*nt

#SFA = Sweet F*ck All

#SFWADSAI = Stop F*cking Whinging And Do Something About It

#SFUS = Some F*cked Up Sh*t

#SLB = Spoilt Little Bast*rd

#SLC = Spoilt Little C*nt(s)

#SLS = Spoilt Little Sh*t(s)

#SLOB = Shit Load Of Bullsh*t

#SHIT = Super High Intellectual Tw*t(s)

#SIS = Swimming In Sh*t

#SNFE = Speak No F*cking Evil

#SNFI = Still No F*cking Idea

#SOFS = Shower Of F*cking Sh*ts

#SOFT – Shower Of F*cking Tw*ts

#SOS = Same Old Sh*te

#SOSDFS = Same Old Sh*te Different F*cking Shovel

#STFU = Speak The F*ck Up

#STFT = Speak The F*cking Truth

#STWYFK = Stick To What You F*cking Know

#STWYFGA = Stick To What You’re F*cking Good At

#SYFFM = Shut Your F*cking Filthy Mouth

#SYFL = Stop Your F*cking Lying



#TAF = Tight As F*ck

#TANFR = There Are No F*cking Rules

#TCOFB = Taking Care Of F*cking Business

#TCOGFB = Things Can Only Get F*cking Better

#TFC = Totally F*cking Cuntish

#TOOYAA = Talking Out Of Your Ars* Again

#TNFP = Take No F*cking Prisoners

#TSFUS = That’s Some F*cked Up Sh*t

#TTFT = Tell The F*cking Truth

#TUSWDFK = Tell Us Something We Don’t F*cking Know

#TWOFS = Total Waste Of F*cking Space

#TWOFT = Total Waste Of F*cking Time

#TWOFTAS = Total Waste Of F*cking Time And Space

#TSA = Talking Sh*t Again



#UBOF = Useless Bunch Of F*ckers

#UB40 = Old C*nt

#UB42 = Pair Of Old C*nts

#UBOFC = Utter Bunch Of F*cking C*nt(s)

#UFC = Useless F*cking C*nt(s)

#UFS = Utter F*cking Sh*te



#VAR = Video Arsh*le Referee

#VD = Verbal Diarrhoea

#VFS = Verbal F*cking Stupidity

#VFW = Very F*cking Wrong

#VHS = Veritable Horse Sh*t

#VPL = Visible Poo Leak

#VTFO = Vote The F*ckers Out

#VW = Verbal W*nk



#WAYFWF = What Are You F*cking Waiting For?

#WCFH = Working Class F*cking Hero

#WFO = Well F*cking Old

#WFW = Woke F*cking W*nkers

#WTFAYWF = What The F*ck Are You Waiting For?

#WTFHAY = Who The F*cking Hell Are You?

#WTHFF = What The Holy F*cking F*ck

#WOFS = Waste Of F*cking Space

#WOFT = Waste Of F*cking Time

#WOKE = W*nkers On Ketamine Everywhere

#WW = Woke W*nker(s)



#XYZ = Pile Of Sh*te By Coldplay



#YLLASLB = You Look Like A Spoilt Little B*stard

#YFA = You F*cking Anus

#YFF = You F*cking F*ck(S)

#YFP = Your F*cking Problem

#YFT = You F*cking Tw*t(s)

#YFU = You F*ck Up(s)

#YFWS = You F*cking Want Some?

#YFFU = You F*cking F*ck Up(s)

#YLLASLB = You Look Like A Spoilt Little B*stard

#YWOFS = You Waste Of F*cking Space



ZPTATFS = Zero Point To All This F*cking Sh*t